Monday, June 29, 2015

What Is The Origin of the Word " Bank"

What Is The Origin Of  The Word “ Bank”

Most of the authors opinion that word bank has been taken from Italian word banco or bancaor French word benque, meaning a bench, other writers opine that the origin of the word bank is the German word bank, which means a bundle of anything or shared stock fund.
Origin of the word bank lies in the city of Italy, where the Lombard Jews were used to keep benches in the market place to transact the business. Italian word for the bench is banco. Such banco arrangements were used to be made for smooth exchange of money and other bills of the business. From those banco arrangements, people used to call them as the banco personnel or the banco area or some specific banco. Gradually, with the mix up of the population and spreading the banco styled business, same banco word started giving rise to the bank. Later on, when the financial organizations in steps forward to function with the similar objectives, people gave them the name banco and then the bank. Majority of the bankers believe the above theory of development for the bank word. But little also says that the bank word has its origin in the French word beque; incidentally, it also means a bench. This is not the end of the solution of the word. Another group is there who advocates German word bank as the antecedent of today’s English word bank. In German, bank means a bundle of anything or shared stock fund.
Bank is an organization, generally a corporation, chartered by a state or central government, which does most or all of the following: receives demand deposits and time deposits, honors instruments drawn on them, and pays interest on them; discounts notes, makes loans, and invests in securities; collects checks, drafts, and notes; certifies depositor’s checks; and issues drafts and cashier’s checks.

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